From Wally


I was showing my son your web page and I saw the pictures of Wim and me. I also saw some pictrues of some other big rockfish. Looks like you are teaching your clients about the Liv’in Eye! You have fired me up for a trip next year to BC!


Experience Fishing

WestCoastFish1263 WestCoastFish1952 WestCoastFish2100 WestCoastFish2382 WestCoastFish2427 WestCoastFish2612 WestCoastFish2652 WestCoastFish2681 WestCoastFish2976 WestCoastFish3159 WestCoastFish3172 WestCoastFish3517 WestCoastFish3524 WestCoastFish4184 westcoastfishboat2-28