From Vic, Jean, Brain, Lorne and Anita Jezowski

I am hoping that you will be able to forward to us the pictures that you took on the dock. We managed to get the fish home successfully, and boy does it taste good. It is so lucky for us that you have that processing plant there. Everyone wants to know who we went fishing with so I hope you will get some more customers through us.

Thanks again,

Vic, Jean, Brain, Lorne and Anita Jezowski

Experience Fishing

WestCoastFish0039 WestCoastFish0507 WestCoastFish0515 WestCoastFish0753 WestCoastFish1467 WestCoastFish2125 WestCoastFish2264 WestCoastFish2274 WestCoastFish2424 WestCoastFish2532 WestCoastFish2664 WestCoastFish3092 WestCoastFish3318 WestCoastFish4060 WestCoastFish4583