From Tim

Hi Matt,

While out fishing with Marc I was describing this video that was making the rounds down here and he asked if I would send it to him. Since I do not know his email address would you be so kind as to forward this on to him? Also like to mention what a great fishing day we had. My fishing partners were 1st time West Coast fishers and they were totally flatbacked by the great fishing and how Marc went the extra mile for a great fishing experience.

I expect you will be seeing them again annually.



Experience Fishing

WestCoastFish1287 WestCoastFish1635 WestCoastFish1653 WestCoastFish1829 WestCoastFish2148 WestCoastFish2241 WestCoastFish2243 WestCoastFish2299 WestCoastFish2337 WestCoastFish3107 WestCoastFish3291 WestCoastFish3633 WestCoastFish3738 WestCoastFish4355 WestCoastFish4518