From Stu


John & I had a great time this past weekend. As you may have heard, I either ate something bad Saturday night or caught the flu – enough to take me out of the picture or the Sunday trip with Kirk. Still, lots of fish made the trip home and we had lots of fun doing it. Will look forward to getting together again.

By the way – slick website too.

All the best.


Experience Fishing

WestCoastFish0631 WestCoastFish1243 WestCoastFish1637 WestCoastFish1788 WestCoastFish1862 WestCoastFish2156 WestCoastFish2721 WestCoastFish2785 WestCoastFish2790 WestCoastFish3069 WestCoastFish3868 WestCoastFish3892 WestCoastFish3968 WestCoastFish3995 westcoastfishboat4-02