From Brian

Hey Matt:

Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the day out with you…
despite some people’s urge to “chum”! It was one of the best days we
have ever had out on the island. And the crab and salmon were amazing!
I have quite a few people eager to come out and see you now… so:

Aug 7… my birthday… how much? 2 boats… one with 4 guys… one
with 4 adults and 3 kids.

Let me know if it can be done and if so how much… I’ll have to
probably sell one of my kids to pay for it but it’ll be worth it!


Experience Fishing

WestCoastFish1287 WestCoastFish1635 WestCoastFish1653 WestCoastFish1829 WestCoastFish2148 WestCoastFish2241 WestCoastFish2243 WestCoastFish2299 WestCoastFish2337 WestCoastFish3107 WestCoastFish3291 WestCoastFish3633 WestCoastFish3738 WestCoastFish4355 WestCoastFish4518